Hafa adai todu hamyu! My name is Juan San Nicolas and I was born and raised in Guam. The majority of my family is back home, but I find myself in Phoenix thousands of
miles away studying Political Science at Arizona State University. Before I came to ASU, I was even farther away from home studying at Boston College.
I cannot adequately describe myself without describing the community that shaped me. In regards to migration, the community in which I was raised exposed me constantly to
diverse peoples from the Asia-Pacific Region. In my group of friends there is one Korean, two Chamorros, one Chuukese, one Filipino, and one Japanese. Without a doubt, my experiences from home
shaped the way I engaged with studying migration.
On the first day of class we were tasked with narrating our family's migration history to the United States. Ironically, my family did not seek the United States, but rather
the United States came to the island. Learn more about my struggle to piece together my family ancestry by clicking the 'My Ancestry' tab.